21 April 2021 10:21

CHILDREN ARE A BLISS, PROGRESS, LOVE AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND THOSE WHO DISBELIEVE, AVOID IT , DO REGRET THEIR MISCONCEPTION AND MISTAKE AT OLD AGE. THEN WHY THE TREND FOR DISBELIEVERS AND NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN IS GAINING GROUND? I think. when anything becomes current and is accepted by the majority of the people, some negative offshoots develop. We find it in religion, beliefs, fashion, couple behaviour towards each other, so on and so forth. Change is essential nature of human beings, it is called development and curing of ills in the system and practices. 2. as marriage is becoming short lived, the girl does not want to lose her beauty, which is affected by giving birth to a child besides doubts about the loyalty of the husband 3. what purpose is served by owning responsibilities and depriving oneself of enjoyment of life, especially so, when one can't count on their children for their old age 4. most of the new generation thinks we have taken birth once and are to die one day, then why not to enjoy the life as best as one thinks of 4. if divorce takes place, it is most painful afterward than not to have children and as such think of old age security is false assumption 5. also to get remarried with accompaniment of children, becomes too difficult.6. loose marriage as is called boy and friend relationship, live-in arrangement etc. also discourage to have children. Because of these reasons and so many others, those who are disbelievers and adamant, will hardly get persuaded to have children unless they have become victim to loneliness, depression, sick of lose relationships etc. etc. HENCE BY GOING AHEAD BY CUSTOMS IN SOCIETY, NEED TO LIVE WITH OPPOSITE GENDER, WISH OF MOTHER TO HAVE A CHILD, CHANGE OF ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR OF FAMILY MEMBERS TOWARDS THE DAUGHTER IN-LAW, FOR FULFILLMENT OF DREAMS AND UNDONES, HOPE AND RESPONSIBILITIES DO ENCOURAGE A COUPLE TO HAVE CHILDREN AND ALSO IT HELPS THE COUPLE TO LIVE TOGETHER FOR LIFE AND IF NOT, AT LEAST FOR A LONGER PERIOD UNTIL THE CHILDREN GET GROWN AND SETTLED IN THEIR FAMILY UNITS. ... HENCE THE CHILDREN.