13 January 2023 01:33

SEPARATION OF POWER OF EACH PILLAR OF DEMOCRACY -BY CONSTITUTION EACH OF THE FOLLOWINGS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED SEPARATION OF POWERS AND AS SUCH NO INTERFERENCE BY ANY OF THESE PILLARS IN INTERFERENCE OR OVERLAPPING OF FUNCTIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS IN ANY FORM HAS BEEN RULED OUT. 1. PRESIDENT is sole commander of the country 2. PARLIAMENT: to enact laws and execution thereof concerning Nation as a whole 3. STATES: .DO. for LOCAL ISSUES only 4. JUDICIARY; SUPREME COURT; To interpret laws passed by Parliament and matters referred to it through appeals and/or those concerning emergencies STATE COURTS to handle local issues By this separation, it is very clear that each pillar has to manage its own affaisr by itself without any interference by any of the other pillars whether it relates to appointments nor whether it relates to their budgetary expenses nor also related to executions IN THIS MANNER, SUPREME COURT HAS BEEN GIVEN THE POWER TO DECIDE ON CONFLICTS CONCERNING NATIONAL IMPORTANCE AS ALSO INTERPRETATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LAWS BY THE CENTRAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS, WHICH AFFECT THE NATION AND/OR ANY SECTION OF SOCIETY AND/OR INDIVIDUALS AS WELL. I THINK THIS SEPARATION OF POWERS HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN THE CONSTITUTION IN ORDER TO AVOID ANY SORT OF INTERFERENCE OR INFLUENCE BY ANY OTHER PILLAR OF DEMOCRACY. HENCE I BELIEVE THAT JUST LIKE PARLIAMENT AND PRIME MINISTER HIMSELF/HERSELF AND HIS/HER CABINET, ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS ETC. MUST RESTRICT TO THEMSELVES AND LET THE JUDICIARY FUNCTION INDEPENDENTLY WITHOUT ANY POSSIBILITY OR CIRCUMSTANCES TO BE INFLUENCED AND INTERFERED BY ANY OF THE REST OF THE PILLARS OF DEMOCRACY. SUPREMENT COURT AS SUCH ASSUMES EXCLUSIVE POWERS TO -PREPARE ITS OWN BUDGET, which needs to be sent to Parliament and passed therein just like the budget of Railways. -TO APPOINT JUDGES EXCLUSIVELY BY THEMSELVES AND TO FRAME THEIR OWN LAWS FOR APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, PENALTIES ETC. ETC. Hence there is no interference neither by Prime Minister, nor his/her cabinet, nor any of central or state departments and as such SUPREMENT COURTS remains under the command of the President who is the sole commander of the nation. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… These are my personal views, having no consultation with any individual or any party. vasdevloond