Slow and steady wins the race 15-11-22

15 November 2022 09:05

slow and study wins the race, it is often said, why so, because one gets cautious at each stop, reflects on what has been achieved and what efforts or means are required to move forward. There are many those who want to make strides, move faster and faster, which in other words are said to be flying. Those who fly, make rapid progress but there is risk of fall and failure as well, which at time ruins one's life. Those who believe in steady go, make small progress but SURELY REMAIN CONTENTED and who those who fly remain always in competition and MOSTLY REMAIN UNHAPPY. Those who fly, believe in that life is a risk, one day there will be an end, sooner or later,, then why not to fly and take risk, if achieved, one will enjoy all luxuries of life and possibly hold prominence while those who move slowly, believe in good living, living contented and by all means take MEASURED RISKS. What is better, it is very difficult to answer except that it depends on each one's individual choice and there is no hard and fast rule as such. tks vasdevloond