1. Many boys and girls through FRIENDS RELATIONSHIP:
- have lost charm of marriage
- have made aspirants skeptical about finding choicest soulmate
- being ditched by one or many in his or her friendship relations
- parents blockage and disapprovals
- caste and religion hurdles
-sun-lines/janampatri matching thwarts marriage relationship as
the aspirant spouses remain in fear and as such abandon their
liking/love of each other.
- varying views about beauty, family status, economic and work status
of each other.
As such in most of the cases, compatibility and love are relegated and
sacrificed for reasons cited above.
2. It is not that above elements are not important, but on the contrary
these are most important to establish life-long relations called MARRIAGE.
Despite all these elements which can’t be ignored, I think, it is equally
Important, if not more, to appreciate and overweigh INNER BEAUTY in
comparison to External Beauty.
3. It is also equally important to analyse yourself and determine as to what
really you are wanting.
4. Keeping the above in view, one doesn’t need to overlook the above criteria,
but one definitely needs to accept that it is rare to find all qualities and aspirations
in the spouse one is wishing and searching for. Hence COMPROMISE is essential
which shall of course depend upon priorities one attaches to one’s final choice and
is ready to sacrifice and forget some pre-determined priorities for the sake of one’s
final decision.
5. It is also necessary to believe and accept in the principle, IF ONE CAN’T CHANGE
THE OTHER, ONE MUST CHANGE ONESELF, which is comparatively simple and easier.
6. One needs to remember at the same time that:
i. marriage is essential part of life to live together,
enjoy and progress despite some inherent
ii. once well thought over and deliberated decision
is taken, one needs to believe in and act upon to
make one’s decision a success,
iii. must also remember that human mind is an x-ray
of relationship, experiences and reservoir of aspiraions
differences of views, expressions and communication
and these are hard to efface and forget.
iv. one needs to be conscious of the fact that one has
verified all factors as one had pre-determined, and
if some elements were not probed into and/or were
forgotten or were not considered significant enough
to arrive at a final decision, one needn’t feel disturbed
in belief that repentance and regrets will undoubtedly
accelerate to lose what one has got and if break happens,
it is not necessary that one will get what one is wishing for
or claim to be experienced for.
v. hence it is essential to believe that THE FIRST AND
some differences crop up, to accept those as a REASON
to reflect and improve upon, and also to believe that
any and every regret will lead to more damage than good.
SLOGAN: marriage is my last and well deliberated decision and
it is me and me alone and together if possible, to make my
marriage a success and enjoy all my dreams and love.
Edited by Vas Dev Loond
Founder and creator of
Marriage Guidance New Concept