13 December 2021 03:47

WHAT MAKES MARRIAGE GUIDANCE NEW CONCEPT OUTSMART MOST OF MATRIMONIALS AND IN PARTICULAR TRADITIONAL ONES: 1. exhaustive biodata in particular DESIRES 2. assemble interested unknown families to familiarise with each other 3. analyses divergence of desires between the intending spouses 4. highlights and discusses on crucial issues. 7 encourages boy and girl to discuss with each other and make up their mind as such 8. discusses with each of the families individually and guides them to let their children decide in preference, how to detach themselves and enjoy their old age. 9. also advises that change of attitudes of parents is a MUST and suggests ways how to do it 10.arranges meetings at respective houses, to boy's house in preference, where the girl to accompany her family, is advised to enable the girl to acquaint herself with boy's family, attitudes, environments etc. 11.advises both families to make inquiries on their own and if asked for, advises how to do it. 12.WHAT A WONDER MGNC DOES ALL THIS - FREE OF COST- in its goal to encourage marriages and suggests ways and means to avoid FRAUDS and HOW TO LIVE A HAPPY MARRIED LIFE. 13.publicises its goals through multiple offices, prompt replies, write- ups, cross-questioning, social media etc. etc. for queries pl contact vasdevloond@gmail.com 9811943867 08800685323. tks