FAMILY FEUDS; I THINK ONE OF THE MAIN CAUSES IS THE BLAME GAME. Children generally find faults with parents and at times accuse them of their mistakes, perhaps keeping appreciation of good work done by parents hidden to themselves. I THINK IT IS A WRONG PERCEPTION as all parents love their children and do the best as they think right. It is possible that circumstances get changed in the meantime or possibly it is the result of their miscalculation. ONE NEEDN'T FORGET THAT EACH ONE IN LIFE MAKES MISTAKES unknowingly and also perceiving that his/her decision is right and the best one in that given situation. HENCE INTENTIONS ARE MOST IMPORTANT and as all parents love their children and do their best for the comfort and well being of their children, I think it will be prudent to APPRECIATE THE PARENTS DECISIONS AND NEVER INDULGE IN BLAME GAME AND BETTER IF POSSIBLE, CONCENTRATE ON CORRECTING AND/OR COMPLETING WHAT HAS BEEN LEFT UNDONE BY THE PARENTS. tks